Policy & Privacy


Address: C/ Doctor Mitjavila, 33, venue 1, AD500 – Andorra the Old (Principality of Andorra).
Telephone: (+376) 342 835
electronic Address: hello@luxegrup.com

In compliance with the applicable legislation of Regulation of the Andorran Agency of Protection of Data, the data that facilitate us will pass at forming part of the archive responsibility of Company.


LUXEGRUP can recopilar the following personal information of the users of the website https://LUXEGRUP.pro Through the comments: Name, Address of e-mail, website and message.

The data of the user facilitated at our form of contact, as name, surnames, telephone, e-mail and message, do not stay stored at our web, are routed directly at our account of e-mail and will utilize the ones only to be able to contact with the user so as to offer him information and resolve doubts.

The data treat of accord with the applicable rule and always watching for his protection, and will utilize only with the planned purpose, as well as to communicate any information related. The veracity and update of the data facilitated is yours responsibility.

Manage and route you information of promotions, surveys, contests or to get information of Company, based at his interests and necessities through the e-mail. The sending of this information supposes the elaboration of profiles of the users, that consists at utilizing the personal data that facilitate us and the information of navigation for the website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter to assess some aspects related with your personal preferences, with the aim to offer you the suitable commercial communications at your profile.


LUXEGRUP will conserve your personal data during the period of time that was reasonably necessary taking into account the purposes for which have been facilitated, the necessities to give response at queries that pose or to resolve incidences related with the web, the realization of improvements and the fulfillment of the requisites that demand the applicable legislation. After this period, the personal data will remain stored at all the systems of LUXEGRUP, removed that you decide to give them of low.


This website could contain links at other places that could being of his interest. Once you of click at these links and abandon our page, no longer have control on at the place at which is redirected and therefore we are not responsible of the terms or privacy or of the protection of his data at these other places of third. These places are subject at his own politicians of privacy thus it is recommended that consult the ones to confirm that you agrees with these.


Company has an accurate system of security that guarantees the protection of your data and the eases for all the users of https://LUXEGRUP.pro.

If it produced a failure at the system of security for which the data viewed affected and, as a consequence, produced the accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized divulging of the personal data transmitted, stored or processings, or could access at them, since https://LUXEGRUP.pro, engage us at acting with the maximum transparency and at notifying it at the users affected of immediate way.

If you have ken or suspicions of the undue use of your personal data or of an unauthorized access at the same for part of third, do not doubt at posing you at contact with us as soon as possible through the electronic address hello@luxegrup.com.


The royalties that can exert as a user are the following:

Right of modification: you Have right at soliciting that Company modify your personal data when are inaccurate or that complete when are incomplete.

Right of limitation: you Have right at soliciting the limitation of the treatment of the data, at this case only will conserve the ones for the exercise or the defence of reclamations.

Right of suppression/forget: you Can solicit us that your personal data are suppressed when, among other motives, the data no longer are necessary for the purposes for the quals was collected.

Right at demanding: you Have right at presenting a reclamation at the Andorran Agency of Protection of Data.

The exercise of these royalties and of any relative query at the treatment that muck of your data can effect by means of an application directed at the electronic address hello@luxegrup.com.

Have to signify, together with the application, your name and surnames, domicile, e-mail at the effect of notifications, as well as a photocopy of the national document of identity or passport to be sure of the identity of the applicant and of the right exerted.
This company will not sell, will cede or will distribute the personal information that is recopilada without his consent, removed that it was required by a judge with a warrant.

For the correct operation of https://LUXEGRUP.pro, utilize cookies of navigation at your device. A cookie is a small archive of text that the website deposits at your computer or mobile during a period of determinate time. This recalls that you have visited us recently and does not repeat the message of consent every time that you sail of page at page.

The cookie permits that the website recognize how have sailed, which content has interested you or which preferences have shown at your visit, like the onset of session or the language of navigation, among others.

The cookies do not collect at any moment data of personal character, are totally unnamed and the data that Company obtains through Google Analytics have the address IP encrypted, cry of cookies of analyses, that are those that well treated for us or for third, permit us quantify the numeral of users and realize the measurement and statistical analysis of the utilization that do the users of our web. For this analyze the navigation at our website with the purpose to improve the offer of products or services that offer. Example thereof are:

The numeral of only visitors of each page / section, that utilizes to do a count of the times at what the place is visited by an user, as well as the first and last time of this visit. This aids at meeting the areas of more success and augment and improve the content, with the result that the users obtain an experience and satisfactory more service.

The consent considers awarded at accepting it explicitly or if the browser is configured to accept the use of cookies. This also applies if the browser is predefined for this acceptance. As a user, always can configure your browser so that it inform you of the presence of cookies or can configure it manually not to permit them, since this action will not impede that you can access at the information of the website.